Math Summer Bridge 2024 Information

WHAT is the Math Summer Bridge Program?

The Summer Bridge Program is a virtual resource in Schoology to provide additional support/review to help prepare students for the math course in which they enrolled for next school year. It is designed to be a self-paced, mastery-based program where they review and deepen their understanding of the prerequisite knowledge needed for their next math course. 

WHO is the Math Summer Bridge Program for?

ANY student who is enrolled in a high school level math course who needs or wants to review math content before starting the course in which they are enrolled next school year! In May, Students will automatically be enrolled in the bridge program that matches the math course for which they registered in the 2024-2025 school year. 

HOW do the students work through the Math Summer Bridge Program?

  1. Students go to Schoology and open the “Math Summer Bridge 2024” course. In the materials, they will see a folder that matches the title of the course for which they enrolled in 2024-2025. 

  2. Students choose the folders with topic(s) for which they would like some practice and review.  

  3. Students complete the PRACTICE quiz in the topic folder to test their mastery level of the math concepts. “Mastery” for the review work is defined as earning a 70% or higher on the practice quiz. 

  4. If mastery is not achieved, students should use the videos/resources provided in the same folder to help them strengthen their understanding of the math concepts. 

  5. The students have 5 attempts on this practice quiz, so they should come back and try again after they have reviewed the videos/lessons on the content! 

WHEN & WHERE should the students complete this work? 

When: The course content will be posted and available from July 1 - August 18

Where: Virtually, via Schoology. This work is meant to be self-paced and provides all of the lessons/resources needed for students to complete on their own at any time during the above dates. If students have questions on certain topics, they should make note of them and reach out to their math teacher and/or the high school math coach in the first weeks of the school year. 

Is this work optional or will it be graded? 

This course is optional. This work will not be graded. It is recommended that students complete the bridge program to deepen their understanding of the prerequisite skills needed for success in the next course. Please note that their next math teacher will be able to see the work that has been completed and it will give them information on how to best support your student.