![GM PTSA logo](https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/B-RYS-F3sPkW0DyKfwODAvmmwPz2YYosH7JnJtnd9ZEKFJvdkRXvsWCbQVwBSoZ0dmBsbZe79bdEuAXOZABsqEXFGCs6DNCJeqgNGAtWCpJqoTY2iqSKDU_qSN_QD46-qF86Drm93ubVCTxVrk2XXeGvsn2hOkxAKOE=s0-d-e1-ft#https://gallery.mailchimp.com/a1f19144396c7de69dec338d5/images/d470965b-a8b4-4d77-90be-283e4d0d8718.jpg)
The GMHS PTSA is organizing and staffing the major effort of sorting, packing, and distributing textbooks and other learning materials for Mason students from the piles in the library above.
The Packing will take place every day through the end of the week. The Distribution will happen after school in the afternoon and evening from Monday, August 31st through Thursday, September 3rd.
There are over 100 volunteer slots to fill, in 2-3 hour shifts, with times ranging from early morning to early evening.
Please sign up here for one or several slots!
The work will take place inside the high school. Volunteers are asked to park in the senior lot off Haycock, wear masks, and enter at the main door near the front office. Everyone will be asked to complete COVID screening on arrival, and the work while maintaining a safe 6-foot physical distance.