We are experiencing connection issues so students and teachers can access Schoology but the Big Blue Button feature (Conferencing) is not working so teachers are not able to do the conferences with students. We are working to resolve all issues.
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Virtual school begins tomorrow, Aug. 24 at 8 am. Students should log in to their Block 1 class in Schoology Conferences. Student schedules are in PowerSchool.
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
Virtual Bell Schedule
Please read Principal Hills' newsletter. It has tons of important information to get Mustang families ready for Monday, August 24 - https://www.smore.com/62579. We look forward to "seeing" all our students on Monday. Have a great weekend!
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
A reminder to new Mason students and parents/guardians that laptop pick up is on Thursday, 8/20 from 9am-Noon; Virtual Orientation is from 1pm-3pm via Schoology; and a "Meet the Admin Team" will be from 7pm-8pm via Zoom. Missed Principal Hills' recent newsletter? Check it out - https://www.smore.com/v35tk
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
Inside this week's Road to Reopening: Answers to questions related to day-to-day structure for students, “Pandemic Flight,” return-to-school metrics and measures, meal distribution while virtual, and more parent supports around instruction. https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen0814
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The Road to Reopening
FCCPS On Demand: The Impact of COVID-19 on the College Admission Process. In this webinar, helpful navigation tips for seniors in this unprecedented time. WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovdzPx3V1TA
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The impact of COVID-19 on the College Admission Process
Congratulations to GMHS senior Elisabeth Snyder appointed unanimously by the Falls Church School Board this evening as the Board's Student Representative for the 2020-21 school year! We look forward to working with you!
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Elisabeth Snyder
Please read Principal Hills' most recent parent newsletter, The Mustang Spirit - https://www.smore.com/dy0q6.
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
FCCPS Public Meeting Notice School Board Members: Greg Anderson, Susan Dimock, Laura Downs, Shannon Litton, Phil Reitinger, Shawna Russell, Lawrence Webb Electronic School Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 11 at 7:00 PM Public Comment: While the state of emergency remains in effect due to COVID-19, written statements may be submitted to the Clerk for dissemination to Board members. Public Comments will be read into the record for a period of 30 minutes, or until all submitted comments are read, whichever comes first; and in accordance with School Board Bylaw 2.30 the time for each speaker is limited to three minutes. Please send written statements to School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at gadellm@fccps.org. Public Comments received by 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting will be posted on Board Docs prior to the meeting. Webstream: www.YouTube.com/fccpsorg
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Falls Church City Public School has announced its policy for providing free or reduced-price meals for children served under the National School Lunch, and/or School Breakfast Programs for 2020-2021. Learn if you are eligible and how to apply: https://bit.ly/fccpsmeals
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS set policy for free and reduced-price meals for 2020-21
Los estudiantes entrantes de noveno grado recogerán sus computadoras portátiles de Mason mañana, 3 de agosto, de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m., después de dejar sus computadoras portátiles emitidas por Henderson, limpiar sus casilleros y recoger sus anuarios prepagos. Use máscaras faciales y mantenga las reglas de distancia social. Estudiantes con apellidos A-G: 9 am - 11 am; Estudiantes con apellidos H-P: 11 am - 1 pm; Estudiantes con apellidos Q-Z: 1 pm - 3 pm Por favor, estacione en el estacionamiento de Mason a lo largo de la Ruta 7 y camine hasta Henderson. Y por favor ingrese a GMHS usando la Puerta # 1. Los nuevos estudiantes que ingresan al noveno grado recogerán sus computadoras portátiles el 20 de agosto.
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
Incoming 9th graders will pick-up their laptops from Mason tomorrow, August 3rd, from 9:00 am-3:00 pm, after dropping off their Henderson-issued laptops, cleaning up their lockers, and picking up their pre-paid yearbooks. Please wear face masks and maintain social distance rules. Students with last names A-G: 9 am - 11 am Students with last names H-P: 11 am - 1 pm Students with last names Q-Z: 1 pm - 3pm Please park in the Mason parking lot along Route 7 and walk to Henderson. And please enter GMHS using Door #1. New students who are incoming 9th graders will pick up their laptops on August 20th.
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
Please read Principal Hills' most recent newsletter, The Mustang Spirit: https://www.smore.com/0dm2g
over 4 years ago, Mustang Announcements
In Dr. Noonan's Road to Reopening this week, the division's thoughts on 'Podding,' transitioning plans for Student Technology in preparation for the new year, and plus important legal residency and immunization reminders. More: https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen731
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The Road to Reopening
In this week's Road to Reopening, Dr. Noonan shares context and data points pushing FCCPS to pivot to an all-virtual start to the 2020-21 school year. Plus, LOTS of information on what you can expect when school opens August 24th. https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen724
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The Road to Reopening
The Falls Church School Board unanimously approved an all-virtual start to the 2020-21 School Year on the recommendation of Superintendent Peter Noonan. Last night, Dr, Noonan outlined what has changed, and the discussed the Risks vs Benefits. MORE: bit.ly/fccpsreopen722
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Reopening Plan Update
Dr Noonan announced to teachers, staff and families this morning that he will recommend the School Board adopt a fully virtual start to the FCCPS 2020-21 school year at its Special Meeting tomorrow night at 7pm. More: https://bit.ly/fccpsreopen722
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
The Road to Reopening
FCCPS Public Meeting Notice School Board Members: Greg Anderson, Susan Dimock, Laura Downs, Shannon Litton, Phil Reitinger, Shawna Russell, Lawrence Webb Electronic School Board Regular Meeting Topic: Reopening School 2020-21 Thursday, July 23 at 7:00 PM Public Comment: While the state of emergency remains in effect due to COVID-19, written statements may be submitted to the Clerk for dissemination to Board members. Public Comments will be read into the record for a period of 30 minutes, or until all submitted comments are read, whichever comes first; and in accordance with School Board Bylaw 2.30 the time for each speaker is limited to three minutes. Please send written statements to School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at gadellm@fccps.org. Public Comments received by 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting will be posted on Board Docs prior to the meeting. Webstream: wwwYouTube.com/fccpsorg
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS Public Meeting Notice School Board Members: Greg Anderson, Susan Dimock, Laura Downs, Shannon Litton, Phil Reitinger, Shawna Russell, Lawrence Webb Electronic School Board Work Session Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00 PM Public Comment: While the state of emergency remains in effect due to COVID-19, written statements may be submitted to the Clerk for dissemination to Board members. Public Comments will be read into the record for a period of 30 minutes, or until all submitted comments are read, whichever comes first; and in accordance with School Board Bylaw 2.30 the time for each speaker is limited to three minutes. Please send written statements to School Board Clerk Marty Gadell at gadellm@fccps.org. Public Comments received by 10:00 AM on the day of the meeting will be posted on Board Docs prior to the meeting. Webstream: www.YouTube.com/fccpsorg
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
Dr Noonan's Road to Reopening edition #2 focuses on the Secondary (Henderson & GMHS) Hybrid Schedule for the fall. Primary schedule will come next week. Plus preliminary parent survey information. Deadline for Parent Surveys is July 10th! Happy 4th! https://bit.ly/rtr_Ed2
over 4 years ago, FCCPS Communications
FCCPS graphic